Charged periodic table
Charged periodic table

For example an element with 3 protons would be Lithium, an element with 4 protons would be Beryllium. When the number of neutrons is changed this can change the mass too but it does not change the identity. As you add more protons to the nucleus this changes the identity of the element meaning each atom has a different number of protons. The proton and neutron both have a mass of 1. The neutron is a neutrally charged particle with no charge, it has a charge of 0 unlike the proton which has a charge of +1. The proton is a positively charged particle with a mass of one. The nucleus contains two particles, one is the proton. The atom contains 3 particles that give it identity.

charged periodic table

To keep things simple we say that the mass of a proton and neutron is 1. Expanding on this, considering 1kg is 1000g, a proton has a mass of 1.672622x10-27 Kg that is 0.0(26 0’s)1672622kg and a neutron has a mass 1.674927x10-27 Kg meaning a neutron is slightly heavier than a proton. Overall the nucleus has a positive charge due to the presence of the proton, it also contains most of the mass of the atom as the proton and neutron both have a mass of one.

charged periodic table

This is an area of the atom that contains the protons (positive subatomic particles) and the neutrons (neutral subatomic particles). All of these contribute to the mass and properties of the atom. The atom is made up of three core components which are called subatomic particles (sub meaning they are smaller than the atom itself): The neutron, proton, and electron. From cars to cats and airplanes, everything is made up of atoms. The atom itself is the fundamental building block of all matter in the universe.

Charged periodic table